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‘Those Barossa Girls’ Share Hot Tips for Country Show Entries

Melissa Smith

‘Those Barossa Girls’ debunking some show myths

We love a Country Show here at Greater SA! And did you know there are over 45 Country Shows held across regional South Australia every year? That’s a lot of scones!

If you’re anything like me, you might enjoy going to country shows, but entering a baked good, a crafty creation or a sheep or two, might seem a little daunting.

‘Those Barossa Girls’, with support from Angaston and Tanunda Show Societies are about to change all of that by debunking some show myths.

To make the whole show-entry process easier, they are hosting a ‘Show Baking’ event on Saturday, February 10. It’s designed to guide us through the process, explain how to enter, and detail what the judges are looking for. They’ll also share some tips and tricks to help seal a winning ribbon. While the focus is on baked goods and jams/preserves, the new online entry system applies to all shows and categories, so it’s well worth joining in to get the details about entering online.

Like most people, I always believed that show entries are a pursuit reserved for the highly-competitive and highly skilled. ‘Those Barossa Girls’ want us all to know that’s not the case. Show entries are for everyone and they rekon “if you have the time to bake a cake, make a batch of jam, or toss fruit into a jar, then show entries are for you.”

Often the favourite thing about show day, for those who enter, is the community that gathers in the show hall. Because at the end of the day, people are everything – the show entries are just the excuse to get together, share and enjoy a new passion or maybe even rekindle an old one.

So how about joining me by picking a show category? There’s loads to chose from! Drag out your grandmas favourite biscuit recipe, pick up that fancy camera your husband bought you for your 40th birthday (*ahem) or maybe fruit growing, sheep fleeces, eggs, flowers, needlework, art, or making beer tickles your fancy. Plus by entering, you are securing the future of our beloved country shows.

No bookings are necessary to attend the workshop and it’s absolutely free!

For more information, click here.

Show Baking Workshop
Saturday February 10, 2pm
Bethany Lutheran Church


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