Four women killed this week in South Australia

– The Red Heart Campaign
Melissa Smith

One week, four SA women, killed by men

But at this point, you’d think no one cares.

I started gathering information – stats, figures, numbers, and percentages to include in this article. I wanted to hit you hard with facts and drive home the crisis that we’re in. A crisis so shocking, for so long, I fear that our response has been reduced to an emotion we feel for an unforeseen accident, or a natural disaster “Sad, but in the end, what can we do?”

The recent murders, during separate incidents this week have seen three men charged while another suspect was found dead on the Yorke Peninsula. Jodie Jewell, the alleged victim of the man discovered just a few kilometers from Curramulka, was murdered in her home at Modbury North on Wednesday, making her the fifth of six Australian women killed in the past seven days.

Hearing this news stopped me in my tracks. I was equally gobsmacked when I read a line from a reputable media outlet saying that “None of the deaths are believed to be related.”

I assume this comment is meant to convey that the same person or group didn’t commit these heinous crimes.

So is this where we are as a society? Where the leading media resources feel compelled to ensure that the public doesn’t fly into a panic, assuming that there’s a mass murderer on the loose killing innocent women.

But there are killers on the loose and they might be in your living room. They are our men. They’re our fathers, uncles, husbands, boyfriends, cousins, nephews, workmates, friends, and even our sons.

Shocking isn’t it?

No, not my boy.

No, not my dad.

No, not my friend.

But yes. Yes, it is.

So now what?

Why aren’t we, as a society, doing something?

Why isn’t there tougher legislation?

Why aren’t we enraged?

The deaths of women at the hands of men is our National shame

As a well-meaning, passionate woman from regional South Australia, the answer is beyond me. The answer is beyond our leaders too, because the answer is YOU. YOU are the answer.

It’s a collective push forward to change the narrative and to change the culture. It’s a responsibility that lies with all of us. It lies with good men to ignite a positive culture within their circle, and whether we want to accept it or not, this is a men’s issue affecting women. It’s seeking help when you need it. It’s mental health. It’s access to medical care. It’s stigma. It’s ego. It’s calling out misogynistic comments. It’s pulling up mates when they’ve taken a joke too far. It’s community leaders setting examples and expectations. It’s parents instilling respect and equality of sexes. It’s women feeling empowered. It’s financial freedom. It’s education. It’s affordable housing. It’s childcare. It’s equity. It’s social consciousness. It’s empathy. It’s being vulnerable.

The answer is a million different things being done in a million different ways. But in the end, it’s up to us.

We are a privileged first-world country with resources at our fingertips. Why can’t we get this right? Over 50 per cent of our population is at risk of dying from something that is preventable, and if we value women’s lives, we need to show it.

Be the change.



Women’s Crisis Line: 1800 811 811
Mensline: 1300 789 978
Men’s Referral Service: 1300 766 491
Lifeline (24 hours): 131 114
1800 Respect National Helpline: 1800 737 732

Click here to see the Australian Femicide Map, founded by journalist Sherele Moody, ensuring victims of violence are never forgotten.

Click here to see what our State Government is doing to keep women safe.