South Australia braces for week-long Code Blue

Greater SA

Code Blue called across most of South Australia as cold temperatures take hold

A Code Blue extreme winter weather response has been called across most of the state this week to help rough sleepers stay warm and dry in prolonged forecasted low temperatures.

A current Code Blue is ongoing for Clare, while the new Code Blue activation beginning from 5pm today  (1 July) to 9am on Friday 5 July, and has been called for the following areas:

  • Adelaide metropolitan area
  • Murraylands
  • Riverland
  • Limestone Coast
  • Fleurieu Peninsula
  • Kangaroo Island
  • Upper Spencer Gulf
  • Far West Coast
  • Far North
  • Copper Coast

In regional areas, people experiencing homelessness can call Homeless Connect SA on 1800 003 308 for assistance.
Anyone experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness can call this service any day of the year.

In the metropolitan area accommodation shelters at Baptist Care’s West Care Centre and Hutt St Centre are extending their hours during the Code Blue activation.

Toward Home the Resolve Team is also offering additional outreach support from 7am to 8pm daily. Click here for more information.

Human Services Minister, Nat Cook said Code Blue activations help the most vulnerable people in our community stay safe, warm and dry during some of the worst winter weather.

“With cold temperatures forecasted across most of the state, we have called a Code Blue in almost all regions to make sure people have the support they need,” she said.

“We are making additional accommodation and outreach services available to the people who need them the most.

More information about current Code Blue activations and triggers is available here. 
