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South Aussies join forces to summon desperate rain

ABC Eyre Peninsula Radio Host, Emma Pedler (left) is leading a statewide virtual rain dance in support of the State’s Farmers.
Abbie Tiller

In dry and sunny South Australia, there’s a movement stirring. It’s time to kick up some dust and summon the rain!

Eyre Peninsula’s ABC breakfast radio host, Emma Pedler, is leading the charge. A farmer’s daughter herself, she knows the dry, dusty struggle all too well. So, she’s turning up the volume and calling for action in the shape of a virtual rain dance extravaganza!

Everyone from all walks of life is urged to dust off their dancing shoes and bust out some moves! It’s a call to arms, or rather, a call to feet!

The rain dance movement comes after the States eighth driest April on record, and three of the driest months on record for parts of the Eyre Peninsula, Yorke Peninsula and Mid North.

“For those who crop, it’s a late rain,” Emma said.  “But they can still dry sow and hope that it arrives. For those with livestock, it’s a different game. You need pastures for your sheep or cattle to graze, and if it’s not there, it’s hay from the shed or grain from the silo. And when it’s out, it’s out, and the payments start.”

But fear not Farmers, you are not alone! The biggest Virtual Rain Dance the State has ever seen is a reminder that we’re all in this together.

“It’s a reminder that we’re here and we are thankful for all they do for us as food providers, as employers, as friends, as community members – and as big integral cogs of South Australia’s successful export machine.”

This isn’t Emma’s first attempt at channeling the weather Gods, back in 2019, she called for a rain dance on the Eyre Peninsula, and guess who answered? Australian Hip Hop Artist, Drapht, who got his crowd jumping to the beat of the rolling clouds.

“The dance itself is the chance for people to send videos from outside – in their community or from the farm, of however they want to dance, to whatever song they want to dance to – in a call to Mother Nature to open the heavens and hear our call for rain.”

You may be thinking “Can a virtual rain dance really bring rain?” Well, they’ve been performed around the world since records began, so it’s definitely worth a try. And if all else fails, it’s a fabulous way to come together and have some fun, and show our farmers some love!

So, whether you’re a seasoned dancer or you’ve got two left feet, everyone is invited to join the rain dance movement! Let’s dance like nobody’s watching, and who knows, maybe we’ll even coax a raindrop or two.

The Statewide rain dance will kick off on Monday, May 20. Tune into ABC Radio Eyre Peninsula between 6.30am-9am and RSVP to the virtual rain dance by clicking here.




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