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SA Government Declares War on Caffeine

Melissa Smith

South Australian authorities have launched an all-out assault on the state’s energy drink culture, seizing hundreds of products that could rival a double espresso from hell

In a move that would make coffee drinkers cry, the Malinauskas government has cracked down on caffeine-laden concoctions, with shop shelves stripped bare and energy drinkers hitting a detox retreat. Over 700 energy drinks have been confiscated, including some so potent they could power a small city.

“The level of caffeine in them can be harmful to both physical and mental health, particularly among kids,” said Health Minister, Chris Picton.

Brands like GFUEL, Bang, and Raze Energy have been singled out as the chief culprits containing 300 milligrams of caffeine in each 473ml can. That is almost double the maximum permitted amount – equivalent to nine cans of Coca-Cola or three shots of coffee. For healthy adults, a daily total of 400mg and a maximum of 200mg in a single serving, is generally considered safe, while people who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not exceed 200mg a day.

While officials are busy playing caffeinated cops and robbers, experts are warning about the dangers of these liquid energy bombs.  “Milk is an ideal drink as it contains many healthy nutrients such as protein, calcium and vitamins. Water, as always, is the preferred drink over other sweetened drinks,” said UniSA Bachelor of Nutrition and Food Sciences Program Director, Dr Evangeline Mantzioris, who clearly hasn’t had enough coffee.

So, next time you’re reaching for that energy drink to power through the afternoon slump, remember, moderation is key. Or better yet, try a nap. It’s cheaper, healthier, and you won’t end up with the jitters.


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