Pay cash for the Port Lincoln Hotel in Eyre Peninsula Monopoly Game

Monopoly game showcasing the Eyre Peninsula
Abbie Tiller

Monopoly Game celebrating Eyre Peninsula

Forget Bond Street, Mayfair and Pall Mall, you can now get your hands on some prime Eyre Peninsula real estate, including Shark Cage Diving, Talia Rock Pools and the Port Lincoln Hotel, for as little as 850 Monopoly dollars.

Launched in September, the Eyre Peninsula monopoly board game is a project facilitated by City of Port Lincoln, with eight participating councils across the Eyre Peninsula working collaboratively, with the aim of promoting tourism and key attractions on the picturesque Peninsula.

Project Coordinator, Dylan Swincer, Economic & Tourism Development Officer from the City of Port Lincoln said “it was great to be able to collaborate with the participating councils to work together and promote our great region.”

“The attractions and experiences included are big draw cards for not only tourists, but locals who live within the community. Port Lincoln’s world-famous shark cage diving experience that was included on the special edition Australian Monopoly Board back in 2017 will make a comeback as a key attraction on the Eyre Peninsula Monopoly Board.”

Mayor Diana Mislov said it was a unique project to be involved in and is a great opportunity to promote Port Lincoln and the many wonderful places to visit on the Eyre Peninsula.

“The new Eyre Peninsula ‘Eyre – the Wild Side’ brand launched in March 2023 features on the board, encapsulating the experience of visiting the Eyre Peninsula,” she said.
“The board game focuses on promoting tourism attractions and experiences across the Eyre Peninsula, with attractions like shark cage diving, swimming with the sea lions, Coffin Bay Oysters, Leafy Sea Dragons, Talia Rock Pools, Pildappa Rock, The Big Galah, and Whyalla Circular Jetty all featured as squares on the board game, among many other popular destinations.”

Partnership Manager from Winning Moves Australia, Dale Hackett said “Working with the councils in the Eyre Peninsula region had been an absolute pleasure and he was thrilled with the final product.

“The Eyre Peninsula Monopoly will no doubt be loved for locals and tourists alike as it encapsulates everything that is loved about the area. Being immortalised on a Monopoly edition is a fantastic way to celebrate an area which will live in family homes for many years to come.”

The recommended retail price of the board game is $65, with 1500 Eyre Peninsula Monopoly board games being printed in the first print run. A great idea for a Christmas gift, the family game will be available to purchase across the region from various visitor information centres and council offices.

In Port Lincoln, you’ll be able to get your hands on EP Monopoly at Port Lincoln Visitor Information located at Suite 3, 60 Tasman Terrace, Port Lincoln (opposite the town jetty).