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Menopause – The Hot Topic at Burra for Women’s Health Week

Melissa Smith

Dr. Mel Considine Dishes the Facts on Menopause at Burra

Next week is Women’s Health Week, and the team at Burra Library is shining a light on a topic that’s as thrilling as it is sweaty – Peri-menopause and Menopause. Yes, reverse puberty is getting its moment in the sun! Gone are the days when our mothers and grandmothers whispered about “the change” like it was some kind of taboo. We’re a new generation of women, and we are HOT- literally – and full of questions.

The good news is that there are answers. If you’re waking up in a pool of sweat, battling brain fog, dealing with a frozen shoulder, or scratching those itchy ears, you might be in the throes of peri-menopausal symptoms. Every woman’s experience is different and if you think you’re too young – think again! This can sneak up on you earlier than expected, and symptoms can last up to 10 years.

Don’t sweat it though, because there is help. Head to the Burra Library next Friday, where Dr. Mel Considine from Clare Medical Centre will be dishing out the facts and helping you navigate this hot mess with sensible management options and investigations to consider.

Registration is required, so give the library a ring at 8892 2038 to secure your spot.

Women’s Health Week Burra
When: Friday September 6, 7pm
Where: Burra Community Library

For more fantastic resources on Women’s Health and events check out Jean Hailes.

“If a woman is in good health, her family, community and the society around her also benefit.”

Dr Jean Hailes AM ~ A visionary in the field of women’s health




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