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Get Your Nominations in for 2024 South Australian Volunteer Awards

– We Are SA. 2003 Winners L-R Vicki Shearer and Anthony von der Borch representing SA Power Networks, Sam Weavers, Tim Braund representing his mother Stella, Mike Feszczak representing Grandcarers SA and Erica Singh.
Melissa Smith

Nominate a volunteer in your community today!

Regional and rural communities know all too well that volunteers are the backbone of robust, innovative and healthy communities. Even our emergency services are volunteer driven. Many of us can recall individuals in our local towns and communities who epitomise what it means to be a volunteer.

It’s now your chance to recognise and celebrate the tireless volunteers and groups in your communities and nominate them for a 2024 South Australian Volunteer Award.

These awards acknowledge the importance of volunteering and how integral they are for all types of communities. The acts of giving, sharing, and helping out are imbedded and part of our culture and they are certainly worth celebrating.

Volunteering can be expressed in many ways, whether through dedicating time, sharing skills, or contributing to community well-being. From coaching a local footy team, fundraising for charity, participating in corporate volunteering initiatives, or organising cultural events, volunteering is relied upon. Formal volunteering may involve roles with community service organisations, such as serving on boards or helping at government institutions like museums or zoos. Informal volunteering, not organised by specific volunteer-involved entities, includes emergency relief during natural disasters or assisting vulnerable neighbours with essential needs like food delivery and transport.

Established by the State Government in 2005, these awards acknowledge the exceptional contributions made by South Australian volunteers.

Open to any eligible volunteer, volunteer manager, community organisation, or business making a significant impact on the South Australian community, the awards cover five categories – The Joy Noble Medal, ‘The Andamooka’ Community Project Award, The Young Volunteer Award, The Excellence in Volunteer Management Award, and The Premier’s Award for Corporate Social Responsibility.

Volunteering SA&NT presents these awards with support from the South Australian Department of Human Services and offers a chance to honour remarkable volunteers who have left a lasting imprint on their communities.

The 2024 Awards ceremony, is scheduled for May 22, 2024, at the National Wine Centre in Adelaide, aligning with National Volunteer Week.

Nominations, including self-nominations close on Sunday, March 10, 2024.

For more information and to nominate, click here.


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