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Spring storm dumps up to 180mm on Naracoorte

– Enzo Zollo
Abbie Tiller
Residents and emergency crews in Naracoorte spent the night battling a torrent of water dumped on the town in a thunderstorm which unleashed up to 180 millimetres of rain in some areas.
Volunteers from the SES and CFS, supported by the local council responded to multiple requests for assistance, after the heavy rain caused significant flooding, fallen powerlines and trees and roads impassable with floodwater and debris.
Local resident, Brian O’Leary has lived in Naracoorte almost 70 years and said he’d never seen a storm like this one.
“According to the Elders app we were going to get 14mm, maybe 20,” he said.
“But thunderstorms don’t play by the rules.”
He said the first deluge hit around 3am on Friday, dumping around 5omm, followed by a day of drizzle, before the weather really “cut sick” late afternoon.
“The hail was coming in horizontal,” he said. Brian recorded another 90mm of rain after the 4.30pm storm.
The November rain is a devastating blow for south-east grain growers.
Despite weather conditions easing today, a warning from the State Emergency Service has been released, highlighting the dangers and risks still posed from the storm.

SES advice for people surrounded by floodwater

  • If your property has been flooded, do not turn your electricity back on until it has been checked by a qualified electrician.
  • Be aware that if you rely on rainwater or a similar source, your household water supply may not be safe.
  • Mud, tree branches and other debris may still be on roads and road surface and verges may have been damaged.
  • Be aware that floodwaters may rise rapidly and are likely to be fast moving.
  • Never allow children to play in or near floodwater and drains.
  • Never walk, ride or drive through floodwater.
For SES assistance phone 132 500. If the matter is life threatening call 000 (triple zero).
For SES assistance phone 132 500. If the matter is life-threatening call 000.
Michael Hutchesson captured this shot on Smith Street, Naracoorte.
Photo – Enzo Zollo
Photo – Chris Cooper


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