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Robe Seniors stay one step ahead of Scammers

Abbie Tiller

Can you spot a scam a mile away? It’s often not as easy as it seems. That’s why Kingston’s Neighbourhood Watch branch is teaming up with Limestone Coast Crime Prevention to host a Senior Scam Forum.

Offering tips on what to look for and which text messages and emails to steer clear of, the forum will be held at the Robe Institute on July 31.

Senior Constable Deb Edwards from Mt. Gambier Police and Limestone Coast Crime Prevention Area will address the forum, delivering a PowerPoint presentation packed with tips on how to spot a scam.
Pauline Williams from Kingston Neighbourhood Watch Branch said a previous forum held at the town’s retirement village earlier this year saw surprising attendance from the general public.

“Scammers just seem to be getting smarter and smarter, targeting vulnerable people,” she said. “We won’t totally beat it, but if we can save someone from losing their hard-earned savings or superannuation it’s worth it.”

The forum will help seniors understand what to look for. “We’ve seen some of the biggest changes in history when it comes to money, computers, and technology,” Williams added.

Steps you can take to protect yourself from Scammers –

  1. Stop and Think: If a message asks you to take immediate action, make a payment, transfer money, click on a link, or provide personal information, there’s a good chance it’s a scam.
  2. Never Click on Links in Messages: Search for the website yourself or use the organization’s secure app or portal to verify its authenticity.
  3. Independent Verification: Always do an independent check that the person or organization is who they say they are. Don’t respond to a message using the provided contact details. Instead, find the contact information yourself.
  4. Be Wary of Job Offers: Be suspicious of job offers by text, especially without an interview. Research the person offering the position and contact them using a number you’ve found independently.
  5. New Numbers: If someone you know says they have a new number, call them on their existing number first. If you have to use the new number, ask a question only they would know the answer to.
  6. Act Fast: If you suspect you’ve been scammed, contact your bank or card provider immediately to report it. Change passwords on all your devices and online accounts.
  7. Get Help to Recover: IDCARE is Australia and New Zealand’s national identity and cyber support service. They can help you make a plan to limit the damage. Call them on 1800 595 160 or visit their website.
  8. Report the Scam: Once you’ve secured your details, report the scam to help prevent others from falling victim.

If you’re on the Limestone Coast, get all the tips and tricks on staying one step ahead of scammers.

When: July 31, 10am
Where: Robe Institute
Getting there: Robe RSL Community Transport is offering a bus service. Phone Marcia on 0411 374 274


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