Ram and Ewe Romance, Jamestown Ball Leads to Baby Joy

Abbie Tiller

From Dance Floor to Delivery Room
❤️ A Ram and Ewe Love Story

It’s the kind of love story that makes you want to crack the guitar out!
In 2018, Tom Hetherington and Brittany Butterick met and shared a kiss on the dance floor at Jamestown’s Ram and Ewe Ball – and as the annual country shindig prepares to fire up again this weekend, the “Hetheringtons” will be a no-show – they’re busy cuddling their brand new baby boy.

Wind the clock back seven years, Britt, who grew up on a family farm between Jamestown and Appila, was pursuing a teaching degree in the city. Little did she know, her future husband lived just a stone’s throw away.

Tom, who hailed from Penola in the South East, was living in Adelaide, doing an apprenticeship at Cavpower. He’d spruced himself up and headed north for the weekend, to catch up with his best mate Billy Baynes – the two of them were off to the Ram and Ewe Ball.

That’s where Tom and Britt’s paths crossed. Billy (aka Cupid) introduced the two and it wasn’t long before they were sharing a kiss on the dance floor. 

Despite Britt playing a bit “hard to get”, their love story flourished from there. After finishing her uni degree, the couple relocated to Whyalla, and last March, Billy took great satisfaction in making the best man speech at their wedding.

“He got up and said ‘none of you would be here if it wasn’t for me’,” Tom laughed.

Their love story took another joyous turn with the early arrival of their son, Charles Ian, on January 31. Born nine weeks ahead of schedule, little Charley has been making steady progress in the neonatal unit at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, recently reaching the 2kg milestone.

Whether you’re looking for love or just an excuse to frock up and kick your heels up, the Ram and Ewe Ball kicks off this Saturday night in the shearing shed at Jamestown Oval.

There’s still time to grab your tickets. Jump over here to find out more.