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“Pedaling Love Across SA – Tour de Cure Makes Strides for Cancer

– Tour de Cure
Abbie Tiller

SA towns to receive Cancer grants from Tour de Cure

Open your arms SA, 187 selfless cyclists will soon cross over to our side of the border on a mission to cure cancer and change lives, as part of the 2024 Tour de Cure Signature ride.

With their sights set on raising $2million to fund cancer research, support and prevention projects Australia-wide, the passionate peloton will ride into SA country towns on the Hobart to Adelaide tour, delivering $10,000 cancer grants to help communities support locals affected by cancer.

Wednesday, riders will make tracks from Warrnambool to Mount Gambier, where they’ll make a heartfelt donation to Limestone Coast Local Health Network, which offers holistic services like massage therapy, art therapy, exercise physiology and access to ongoing support programs.


From the Mount, the dedicated team will make the trek to the stunning shores of Robe, again delivering a cheque to help the Limestone Coast Local Health Network with staff education on Survivorship Care – relating to services like follow up care, management of side-effects from Cancer treatment, the improvement of quality of life and psychological and emotional health.

Ahead of the weekend, the cyclists and crew, including Channel 7 Sports Reporter, Mark Beretta, will spend a night at Meningie, recouping for their final leg into Adelaide on Saturday, and handing over a cheque to Tailem Bend Community Centre to help fund the Medical Bus Service, which assists residents with the 250 kilometre trek for cancer treatment.

Over the past 18 years, Tour de Cure has raised over $118 Million, funded almost 1000 cancer projects, contributed to 148 cancer advances or breakthroughs and talked to over 175,000 school children about making healthy lifestyle choices – so be sure to give a friendly SA wave to show your appreciation.


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