Mitch’s Metal Blooms in Third Annual Open Garden

Melissa Smith

When 11-year-old Mitch Roebuck was dragged along to an Open Garden with his parents five years ago, little did this Eudunda tween know that it would be the beginning of a lucrative side hustle.

Anna, Mitch’s mum, planted the seed that 11-year-old Mitch could probably make her one of the garden ornaments she was admiring, and like all farm kids who want to get their hands dirty, Mitch was straight to the shed and taught to weld by his dad. Before she knew it, Anna had a garden full of unique sculptures and ornaments.

Word soon got around and the up-and-coming creative was invited to the Jamestown and Eudunda Shows which were sell-outs. From there Mitch’s Metal took off like the Landcruiser Ute he is desperately saving for.

Using local sources for steel, Mitch engages a Watervale-based business, Exact Cut to custom cut his original designs which he then welds together. Amongst school work, sports, and helping on the farm, Mitch, now 16, spends about 15 hours a week in the shed, creating his wares, fulfilling orders, and madly preparing for the popular Annual Open Day held at his family farm near Eudunda.

With 70 designs and over 500 pieces for sale, it’s still a case of getting in early to snag your favourite creation. With affordable pieces starting at just $15 up to more elaborate large sculptures for approximately $700, there is something for everyone’s budget and taste.

The third Open Garden of Mitch’s Metal will be held on Saturday, October 14 at 10 am. And if you miss out on your favourite piece, don’t despair because Mitch will be taking orders on the day which will be ready in time for Christmas. Not to miss out on the action, Mitch’s sister Milly will be on board selling coffee, tea, biscuits, and slices, with all funds going towards the Breast Cancer Foundation.

Take a look at what’s on offer from Mitch’s Metal here.


Mitch’s Metal Open Garden
When: Saturday, October 14
Where: 1633 Anlaby Rd, Buchanan
Time: 10 am