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Legless & Blind Tour for Mental Health

Legless & Blind
Melissa Smith

Mates on a mission across the Murraylands and Mallee

Mike Rolls and Ben Pettingill, the incredible pair known as Legless & Blind, are hitting the road this month, all in the name of mental health.

Their tour across the Murraylands and Mallee regions is part of ‘Ski For Life’ – a South Australian charity all about boosting mental health, well-being, and suicide prevention in rural and regional communities. Their “Mates On A Mission” program is committed to making a real difference in country areas.

Mike and Ben are not just great friends, they’re down-to-earth guys who love a good laugh and are also serious about discussing the tough stuff. Both have faced life challenges affecting their mental health – Mike lost his legs to Meningococcal at 18, and Ben lost 98% of his eyesight overnight at 16. Mix these incredible stories with some Aussie humour and the vital message of looking after yourself and your mates, and you’ve got inspiring and impactful sessions.

Head to Ski for Life’s website for more details and discover how this incredible charity changes lives.


Legless & Blind


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