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Laughter Yoga – Just laugh for the health of it
Melissa Smith

I hadn’t heard of Laughter Yoga before I spoke to Sharon from “Shazza’s Happydemic”.

Laughing and Yoga seemed like a dangerous mix of activities to me – surely incontinence pads would need to be handed out at the door? But I was wrong. Laughter Yoga isn’t belly laughing at your mate’s joke while you’re in the downward dog pose, trying not to let go a subtle toot  – there’s a lot more to this growing trend than meets the eye.

Laughter Yoga involves deliberate laughter through movement and breathing exercises. It’s used to improve physical, psychological, and spiritual well-being. Dr. Madan Kataria, from India, who founded it in 1995, claims it can boost mood, reduce stress, and enhance overall health. Laughter is a superpower – it releases endorphins, lowers stress hormones, and helps social connections. There are virtually NO downsides, and it can be a fun way to de-stress and connect with others.

Through Laughter Yoga, you can learn how laughter comes from within yourself—as the concept and philosophy of Laughter Yoga is based on laughing for no reason. And luckily for some, you don’t need to have a sense of humour!

In Sharon’s globetrotting adventures and career with a background in Nursing, Massage, Reiki, and Bowen Therapy, she’s witnessed life’s highs and lows. She’s seen both the best and worst in people navigating different forms of trauma—physical, emotional, and mental. Sharon has overcome challenges herself, including caring for and losing her parents plus battling a brain tumor and its lingering effects. It was then that Sharon stumbled upon the power of Laughter Yoga. A friend convinced her to take part in a workshop and although initially she thought that it was “a bit weird”, after a few sessions she was hooked and now claims that Laughter Yoga completely turned her life around.

A joyful focus that grew into a passion for the retiree who never really retired, you can find Sharon on a mission to spread the contagious joy of laughter, meditation, and breathwork. And luckily for us country folk, Adelaide-based Sharon loves travelling and can often be on a road trip spreading joy like a virus. Whether in the community, online, at events, or even in the workplace, Sharon believes in infusing the healing power of fun into every aspect of life.

According to her, there might not be fun in medicine, but there’s undoubtedly medicine in fun!

For lucky Riverlanders, Sharon’s next session will be Barmera Lakeside Laughter

Curious to know more? Head to Shazza’s Happydemic website.

Online and regional sessions for Freeling and Barmera can be found here.

Barmera Lakeside Laughter
Bluebird Cafe – 1 Queen Elizabeth Dr Barmera
Saturday Oct 21 @ 10am 





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