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Happy Australia Day from Freeling

Abbie Tiller

Freeling farmer, Harry Schuster, has etched his love for Australia into the Earth, with a perfect fifty hectare outline of the lucky country, carved into a paddock at his family farm, accommodation and event venue, The Barns of Freeling.

With a John Deere tractor pulling a high speed tilling machine known as the “Speedtiller”, Harry combined his engineering skills, using GPS mapping software, with his experience working with tractors, to create the incredible geoglyph forming the flag of Australia.

With the Aussie flag waving from the rear of the Speedtiller, a Barossa Helicopters hovered overhead, capturing images and video footage of the masterpiece in progress.

Harry hopes, like the smaller Sunflower he etched into the land last Summer, the giant Australian flag will also be etched into Google mapping history.

“It’s just a bit of a creative outlet, but I hope it also puts Freeling on the map. It’s a good place. We’re very lucky.”

The patriotic Aussie looks forward to “cutting the grass and having friends around” to celebrate Australia Day.

To watch the video of the Artist at work, go to The Barns of Freeling Facebook page.


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