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FREE Wellbeing Workshops for Southern Mallee women

– Active Farmers
Melissa Smith

Applications open for Southern Mallee Rural Women’s Wellbeing and Resilience Project

Gearing up to empower women of the Mallee region, this initiative is a collaborative effort involving Lameroo Forward, Active Farmers, and Finnbell Consulting. Made possible through the generous support of Australia Post’s Community Grants Program, the project is dedicated to improving and supporting the mental health and well-being of women across the region.

Scheduled to kick off on Jan 29 next year, the 10-week program offers an exciting blend of activities with a focus on practical, science-based strategies known to improve both physical and mental health. A key component involves attending two fitness sessions per week with Active Farmers, held at locations including Lameroo, Pinnaroo, and Murrayville. Additionally, fortnightly Wellbeing Workshops will take place via Zoom.

It’s not all about huffy puffy though. The Wellbeing Workshops, scheduled fortnightly on Tuesday evenings, cover a range of topics that are crucial for overall wellness such as evaluating and prioritising your well-being, including mental and emotional health as well as improving and sustaining overall well-being throughout your life.

Facilitating the program are Southern Mallee locals Bailey Vogt from BT Fitness, representing Active Farmers, and Katheryn Curnow from Finnbell Consulting. Bailey and Katheryn are both passionate about community health and encouraging people to reach their full potential.

Bailey, a qualified fitness instructor, is currently in the process of exploring community gym options in conjunction with Lameroo Forward, striving to improve her services and the health of the people in her town.

Katheryn has over 20 years experience working as an Inclusion and Wellbeing Consultant, with a particular passion for equipping women with science-based strategies to help them thrive in all areas of life. Together, this formidable team will bring a holistic approach to the lucky dozen who are chosen to take part in the project.

In addition to this exciting program, Lameroo Forward, a group of passionate community-minded people, is at the forefront of initiatives to help Lameroo and its surrounding regions grow and thrive. With ongoing projects like the Lameroo Silo Art Project, Southern Mallee Producers, Tasting Australia Festival, and dedicated efforts in mental health and community integration, Lameroo Forward is striving to make a positive impact. The community-driven approach is evident in their various committees and events, all geared towards the betterment of the region.

If you’re keen to take part in Southern Mallee’s Women’s Wellbeing and Resilience Project, applications are open until Friday, December 15. The selection process will aim to fill 12 spots, so get in early and start 2024 on the right foot.

Find out more and apply by clicking here.


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