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Ben Tait’s Tour de Cure gift to Cancer research

Abbie Tiller

They say life begins at 40, and South Aussie cyclist, Ben Tait has marked the milestone by riding 1300 kilometres in hope that when his kids are all grown up, dealing with Cancer is a matter of a diagnosis, a treatment and recovery.

An Electrical Engineer by day, Tait is about to enter the final leg of Tour de Cure’s Signature Tour – cycling for 9 days from Hobart to Adelaide, with a Bass Straight crossing on the Spirit of Tasmania, before a scenic ride along the Great Ocean Road and a three day cycle through SA’s Limestone Coast, rolling into Adelaide this Saturday.

The team of 187 riders and crew have surpassed the $2 million fundraising target, also delivering a healthy lifestyle message to school children along their journey, as well as $10,000 grants to nine Cancer projects in regional communities, including Mount Gambier, Robe and Meningie.

When Ben Tait was introduced to Tour de Cure by a parent at school drop-off, he quickly upped his training game, began a fundraising campaign and threw his dedication behind the fundraiser.

In 2023 he rode in Tour de Cure’s SA Discovery Tour, and with support from family, friends and work colleague at ElectraNet, was able to raise the required donation of $12,000 to join the Signature Tour.

“We all know people who live with Cancer and others who couldn’t fight any longer,” Ben said. “I’m riding because without funding, the research that will increase survivability of many Cancers can’t happen.”

Another beautifully positive spin-off of Ben’s quest with Tour de Cure, is the message being ingrained into his own young children. His six-year-old son has plans to donate his long locks to a charity to help make a wig for someone suffering the effects of Cancer treatment.

After spending his 40th birthday firmly planted on the bike seat, the Festival of Ben will continue even after Saturday’s 160 kilometre home stretch into Adelaide. He’s extending his mission to cure Cancer by riding in another SA Discovery Tour on April 10, taking in the hills, sea and vines of the Fleurieu Peninsula.

To reach their fundraising targets, a group of SA riders will hold a unique event – a smoked meat extravaganza they call “Fully Boned”!

For tickets to the April 20 event click here or to sponsor Ben and make a contribution to Cancer research, you can do that here.



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